About the Journal
Founded in 1926, the publisher Publicaciones DYNA SL has been a efficient channel of communication in its various multidisciplinary engineering disciplines: mechanical, energy, organizational...
In 2012, Publicaciones DYNA SL begins a new era of specialization publishing the journal DYNA Energía y Sostenibilidad. This new journal will address issues related to energy technology and sustainable energy issues.
DYNA Energia y Sostenibilidad edits every year a single digital issue that includes everything published in the year. The publication of articles is continuous, so they are published as they are approved.
- Director
- José María Hernández Alava
- Editor:
- Federation of Associations for Industrial Engineers of Spain
- Administration, Management, Distribution, Editing, Advertising and Subscriptions
- Alameda de Mazarredo, 69- 3º 48009 BILBAO (SPAIN) Telf. +34 944 237566 - Fax +34 944 234461
- ISSN digital:
- 2254-2833
- DOI:
- 10.6036/DYNAES
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